House Democrats in majority took votes without Republicans on Friday, Dec. 13. We caucused after learning Speaker Tate declined to address the largest issue facing most of Michigan: restoring tipped wage and mandatory paid sick leave. Friday was the last scheduled day to do so.
Rather than helping our restaurants survive, keeping people from losing their jobs, and preventing mandates that force small business to provide paid sick leave, Democrats put up bills that provide driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, increase the gas tax by 19¢, add a $100 registration fee, billions to pensions, release prisoners early, legalize sodomy, pass sweeping gun control bills, and driver’s licenses and birth certificates to transgenders, to name a few!
The entire House Republican Caucus took a stand and walked off the House floor, vowing not to vote until Democrats negotiated a solution for this pressing matter facing our state. Alas, they declined to come to the table, so no Republican representatives voted on Friday. Below is the list of 59 bills Democrats passed unanimously that day. To be clear, these are bills that would have been passed regardless of our attendance, as Democrats hold a majority over Republicans until the new year.
(Rep. Xiong) would change the cost sharing requirements and limits for employees covered under health insurance plan of a public employer to increase how much an employer may cover.
(Rep. Aiyash) would protect consumers from subscription service companies looking to use unfair or hidden automatic renewal provisions within their contracts.
(Rep. T. Carter) amends the Convention and Tourism Marking Act by increasing the assessment of transient facilities.
(Rep. Weiss) modifies the definition of “operating obligation” for the purposes of Detroit Public Schools debt repayment.
(Rep. Haadsma) would extend the time period for filing a lawsuit in the Michigan Court of Claims.
(Rep. Puri) amends the Public Health Code to make changes to Substance Use Disorder Program licensing by exempting additional facilities from licensure requirements.
BILL PACKAGE HBs 6128-6129 & 6131-6133
(Rep. Dievendorf) HB 6128 modifiesprocessing of fish.
(Rep. Young) HB 6129 modifies the evaluation of food establishments.
(Rep. Miller) HB 6131 modifies cottage food operation requirements.
(Rep. Martus) HB 6132 modified food licensing fees.
(Rep. Edwards) HB 6133 provides for the delegation of authority for complex processing in certain food establishments.
(Rep. Pohutsky) HB 5300 would make it easier for individuals to change their legal name to a preferred name that is consistent with the individual’s chosen gender identity.
(Rep. Dievendorf) HB 5301 would allow applicants for an operator’s license to indicate their gender identity as male, female, or “X”. The use of “X” would indicate that a person does not traditionally identify as being either male or female.
(Rep. Brabec) HB 5302 is similar to HB 5301 but this bill focuses on state identification cards. Individuals would be able to apply for a state identification card or change their current state identification card to reflect their preferred gender identity with male, female, or “X”. The use of “X” would indicate that a person does not traditionally identify as being either male or female.
(Rep. Scott) HB 5303 would require the state registrar to produce a new birth certificate for an individual who presents a signed form indicating a change in their preferred gender identity to either male, female, or “X”. The use of “X” would indicate that a person does not traditionally identify as being either male or female.
(Rep. Morse) is a Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Implementation bill that would increase the cap and minimum balance for the Emergency Contingency Fund, create the “State Hazard Mitigation Fund”, and adjust the maximum grant sizes depending on county population during emergencies from the Emergency Contingency Fund.
(Rep. Morse) would require the Department of Health and Human Services to provide coverage under the medical assistance program (Medicaid) for anyone referred by a health professional to receive community violence prevention services.
(Rep. Rheingans) amends the Public Health Code by establishing conditions and procedures under which a needle and hypodermic syringe program may be created.
(Rep. Fitzgerald) HB 5887 would add a new section to the Michigan Penal Code, thereby creating a new crime for Sexstortion.
(Rep. Hope) HB 5888 would amend the Criminal Sentencing Guidelines to include the penalties set forth in HB 5887.
(Rep. Hill) HB 5889 requires the Department of Education, in consultation with the Attorney General, to develop and provide to school districts, intermediate school districts, and public-school academies a notice containing information regarding the new crime created in HB 5887.
(Rep. Paiz) HB 6034 establishes the Public Library Freedom to Read Act to put a process in place to determine if a request for consideration for the withdrawal of material complies with Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act protections.
(Rep. Glanville) HB 6035 establishes the District Library Freedom to Read Act to put a process in place to determine if a request for consideration for the withdrawal of material complies with Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act protections.
(Rep. Morgan) HB 4938 would authorize the transfer of property currently owned by the state (MSP) to Kent County.
(Rep. Witwer) HB 5913 would authorize the transfer of property currently owned by the state (land adjacent to the Michigan State Police Headquarters complex) to Michigan Police Equipment Company in Eaton County.
(Rep. Hope) would amend current law regarding the expungement of criminal offenses from an individual’s record.
(Rep. Farhat) creates the Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs Act which establishes the Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs.
(Rep. Breen) amends the Estates and Protected Individuals Code by allowing default surrogate consent for medical decision making.
(Rep. Young) allows a nurse to refuse a hospital’s request to work more than their regularly schedule hours and ensures that it is not grounds for administrative disciplinary action under act.
(Rep. Breen) would amend the law regarding trusts, so that charitable organizations may more easily become qualified trust beneficiaries.
(Rep. Hope) HB 4900 would provide for clearer notice when a person is sued over a debt and would greatly increase consumer debt garnishment exemption categories and amounts.
(Rep. Carter) HB 4901 would update Michigan bankruptcy exemption categories and amounts.
(Rep. Grant) HB 6002 amends the Youth Tobacco Act regarding the sale of tobacco or nicotine.
(Rep. Aiyash) HB 6003 amends the Age of Majority Act by updating the act and stating it does not apply to the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act and the Nicotine and Tobacco Act.
(Rep. Young) HB 6004 amends the Youth Tobacco Act by allowing for the temporary exemption from licensure until licensure is received.
(Rep. Young) HB 6005 amends the Age of Majority Act by updating the act and stating it does not apply to the Nicotine and Tobacco Act.
(Rep. Neeley) would allow an individual to operate more than one cosmetology school if that individual were licensed to operate a school of cosmetology and the secondary school met certain requirements.
(Rep. Wilson) amends the Revised Judicature Act of 1961 by allowing for the expungement of court eviction records under certain circumstances.
(Rep. Farhat) would prohibit law enforcement from requiring arrestees to remove religious head coverings for booking photographs.
(Rep. Skaggs) makes the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity the sole provider of work permits for minors and creates a registration system for minors and employers.
(Rep. Skaggs) would make numerous changes the County Commissioner Redistricting Commissions and process.
(Rep. O’Neal) modifies tuition grant eligibility requirement for children of veterans that are convicted of certain felonies.
(Rep. Glanville) removes certain requirements from the Michigan Merit Curriculum.
HB 6060
(Rep. Koleszar) HB 6060 amends the Public School Employees Retirement Act to provide a defined benefit plan for new public school employees and an election option for current employees.
(Rep. Wilson) amends the Revised Judicature Act of 1961 by allowing for the expungement of court eviction records under certain circumstances.
(Rep. Snyder) HB 4665 amends the State Police Retirement Act of 1986 to allow employees from other departments to participate in the state police hybrid retirement system.
(Rep. O’Neal) HB 4666 amends the State Employees’ Retirement Act to allow qualified participants to opt-out of the SERS (State Employees’ Retirement System) and into the SPRS (State Police Retirement System).
(Rep. Hill) HB 4667 amends the State Police Retirement Act of 1986 to address how service credit will be handled.
(Rep. Whitsett) amends the General Property Tax Act to provide a property tax exemption for senior citizens over the age of 65.
(Rep. Rogers) provides a discount voucher that can be used for the purchase of an electric bicycle (e bike).
(Rep. Miller) would increase the existing solid waste surcharge to be paid by the owner or operator of a landfill or coal ash impoundment. It also allows for adjustment of the surcharge beginning on January 1, 2029, and every fifth year thereafter, based on the cumulative change in the Consumer Price Index during the 5-year period. It establishes the host community grants fund in the state treasury. It establishes annual grants to cities and townships that are the sites of landfills and coal ash impoundments that pay surcharges.
(Rep. Harris) would amend the Revised School Code at MCL 380.1170a to add requirements to the model core academic curriculum for health education. The Stop the Bleed curriculum would become mandatory.
(Rep. Paiz) would modify the Michigan Liquor Control Code of 1998 (in the definitions section) to modify references to prostitute and prostitution, to instead refer to “commercial sexual activity.”
(Rep. Hoskins) HB 5895 would create a new act titled the “Commodities and Emergency Services and Supplies Pricing Protection Act” (SB 955).
(Rep. Hoskins) HB 5896 would create a new act titled the “Hotel and Lodging Pricing Protection Act” (SB 954).
(Rep. Pohutsky) HB 5897 would create the “Energy Pricing Protection Act” (SB 956).
(Rep. Neeley) amends the Michigan Business Tax Act to allow for the early termination of renaissance zone business tax credits.
(Rep. O’Neal) amends the General Property Tax Act to prohibit local governments from enacting local property tax cap if the cap requires a reduction on a fixed rate millage.

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