Rep. Luke Meerman invites residents to join him at his upcoming office hours in Allendale and Ravenna on Friday, August 23.
Local office hours are an opportunity for constituents to meet face-to-face with Rep. Meerman to share their thoughts, questions, and concerns. No appointments are necessary and all are welcome to attend.
August office hours will take place at the following times and locations:
- From 8 to 9 a.m. at Murphy’s Family Restaurant located at 4963 Lake Michigan Dr. in Allendale.
- From 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at Ravenna Round Table 12396 Stafford St in Ravenna.
This month, Rep. Meerman said he is eager to answer questions from community members about the fiscal year 2025 budget that was recently signed by the governor. Meerman did not support the budget as he did not believe it focuses on the needs of his community.
“Accessibility and transparency are key tenets of our government,” Meerman said. “I hold monthly office hours to speak directly with those I represent, and I look forward to answering any questions about the state’s 2025 budget. This budget is chock full of government waste and instead of maintaining our lower income tax rate, government spending favored corporate handouts and special projects, at the expense of taxpayers. I cannot support a budget that raises taxes, lowers debt repayment plans, and decreases funding for students.”
Meerman serves on the School Aid and Education budget subcommittee and said he was most disappointed that funding for teacher’s pensions was lowered while school’s per-pupil funding remained stagnant. At the same time, the budget left important school safety and mental health initiatives underfunded.
Those unable to attend Rep. Meerman’s local office hours may share their thoughts by contacting his Lansing office at 517-373-0838 or LukeMeerman@house.mi.gov. Mail can be addressed to N-1193 House Office Building P.O. Box 30014, Lansing, MI 48909.

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