Rep. Joseph Fox is speaking out today following the governor’s recent speech outlining her legislative agenda for the rest of 2023.
In her “What’s Next?” speech earlier this week, Gov. Whitmer touted a long list of her priorities for the fall.
One of the proposals she’s pushing is expected to eliminate parental consent for minors seeking abortions, loosen licensing requirements that help ensure abortion facilities meet certain safety standards, and further erode protections for unborn life in Michigan.
“The governor may call parental consent ‘politically motivated’ and ‘medically unnecessary,’ but the public does not see it that way, and neither do I,” Rep. Fox said. “For the sake of expanding access to abortion ‘care,’ Democrats are willing to set aside basic standards that protect women and children. Even minors, who cannot make serious medical decisions for themselves, could be allowed to have abortions without the knowledge of their parents. Most Michiganders support both parental consent laws and a 24-hour waiting period for abortions so that mothers can receive proper information about the procedure.”
The governor also outlined a plan to fully transition Michigan to carbon-free energy production by 2035 during her speech. This would require electricity providers to stop using coal and natural gas and only use a mixture of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Additionally, the Michigan Public Service Commission – a three-member board of unelected bureaucrats – will be empowered to decide where these solar panels and wind turbines end up, removing control from locally elected officials.
“Whitmer’s latest fantasy will only lead to significantly higher electricity costs for Michigan families and small businesses,” Rep. Fox said. “Government mandates forcing energy transitions within an unreasonably short amount of time spell disaster for our state. This goes without mentioning that the solar panels and wind turbines are largely produced in China and India – two of the largest polluters in the world.”

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