State Rep. Brian BeGole today criticized Democrats for ramming through radical bill packages that endanger Michigan families and communities under the guise of criminal justice reform.
The House Criminal Justice Committee on Tuesday voted to approve House Bills 4160-64, which create new life without parole parameters for juveniles, and HBs 4556-60, which allow for resentencing through a “Second Look.”
But the bills go too far. Murderers who were juveniles at the time of their crimes would be eligible for early parole through the plans, and the Second Look legislation would put individuals who were sentenced to jail for longer than 20 years due to the violent nature of their crimes back into Michigan communities and neighborhoods by reducing their sentences.
“These bills jeopardize public safety and will make law-abiding citizens less safe,” said BeGole, of Antrim Township, who serves on the committee and has over 30 years of experience in law enforcement before becoming a legislator, including six as Shiawassee County Sheriff. “It’s also a slap in the face for families who have lost loved ones or been impacted by other violent crimes and felt justice had been administered through an original sentence.
“Criminal justice reform is a very popular issue that has had bipartisan support, but it has to be approached with common sense, not recklessness. These plans miss that mark by a wide margin.”
BeGole also took issue with the way the bills were rushed through the committee process.
“These proposals weren’t on the original committee agenda. There was no public input. If this was good legislation, it wouldn’t need to be sent through like this,” BeGole said after voting against the advancing plans. “I will continue to stand up for the safety of our families and victims of violent crimes.”

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